.. image:: _static/DIRAC_logo.png :width: 300 :target: https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-dirac .. The following raw setting for the Guide enlarged title .. raw:: html ========================================= LHCbDIRAC Documentation ========================================= The `LHCbDIRAC `_ project is the LHCb Grid solution. LHCbDIRAC is DIRAC extension. DIRAC forms a layer between a particular community and various compute resources to allow optimized, transparent and reliable usage. LHCbDIRAC specializes DIRAC for LHCb. - DIRAC documentation: ``_ - DIRAC hosted repository: ``_ LHCbDIRAC is the LHCb extension to DIRAC: - LHCbDIRAC documentation: ``_ - LHCbDIRAC hosted repository: ``_ .. toctree:: :hidden: DevsGuide/tree.rst AdministratorGuide/tree.rst Certification/tree.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`